Kishan Naik


Roopaksai Sivakumar

Vice President

Minahil Iqbal

ICC Chair

Aldo Villegas


Jiya Sodhi

Legislative Representative





The ASOC President's position is the central role in the organization, overseeing all ongoing operations in both the Student Administration and Legislature. The President also Chairs both the Senate and Executive Council, requiring their knowledge of Parliamentary procedure and Brown Act to be fine tuned. Every year new challenges arise for ASOC, and the President must face them head on.

Vice President

The ASOC Vice President is the head of the ASOC Student Administration. Overseeing between 3 to 5 branches with numerous programs, and many Coordinators, Directors, and Branch Directors all reporting to them, the Vice President is the Czar of ASOC Operations.

Inter-Club Council Chair

The ICC Chair is the overseer of all club functions on campus. Chairing the Inter-Club Council, while in the name, is only one piece of their larger role. As new clubs form and new students enter the school looking for a community, the ICC Chair must facilitate the system for success across the board. With clubs being many students' primary introduction to the Ohlone Community, creating a fertile ground for clubs to thrive is paramount. 


ASOC operates with an annual revenue stream as well as expected expenditures. ASOC's treasurer is the head overseer, manager, and protector of ASOC's funding. This job requires someone who can help make sure that ASOC's budget is spent correctly for clubs and student projects, but also protect it from misappropriation.

Legislative Representative

The ASOC Leg Rep is essentially ASOC's Supreme Court Justice. As the student government's parliamentarian, it is important they understand and can teach Roberts Rules of Order, Brown Act, and have a strong understanding of  College Policy and ASOC Bylaws/Constitution. This role must enforce order and ensure compliance with the above procedures in ASOC Senate and Executive meetings, and be available to consult on legal matters. 


The ASOC Secretary is responsible for recording minutes during ASOC meetings so happenings can be accurately documented. They are also in charge of keeping track of members' attendance within ASOC and shared governance committee meetings. They are also responsible for sending out agendas to the council members in advance of meetings to comply with legal obligations. 


Each Executive position requires a student-run election. For more information, email ASOCohlone@gmail.com